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CAGD 493 week 6

 This week I have focused on exploring the dog run happy run cycle more. I started by implementing feedback I got last week from the class. 

It has been brought to my attention, that I need an offset between the front and back legs of the dog. The front legs are leading the motion, so they would jump first making the back legs follow. 

I added an offset of a couple frames on the back legs and the back spine control, however then my final frame and my first frame didn't align. 

There was a little bit of a glitch happening because of the frames not lining up correctly, so my next step was working on that.  
Here, the motion looks a lot smoother, so I decided to apply more feedback I got in class this week. It was pointed out to me that one of the back paws doesn't really touch the ground, it only brushes against it. Now me seeing it, I decided to fix it, by creating a frame where the paw is fully touching the ground. 
It definitely helped the animation to look better. Next, I added the head bobbing up and down. 

what I didn't like about it is that there is a moment when the head moves a little abruptly and it seemed to me, that it was moving too much. This is when I went into the graph editor to work on the movement more - to smooth it and adjust how much the head was actually moving. 

Here I was happier with how much the head tilts, but I didn't like that there was still a moment when the head was moving too suddenly. There was an issue in my graph editor, that I haven't noticed before, and now that I did. I could fix it. Next I have added the tail wag

I liked the curled tail wagging, but it seemed to me that it was wagging to quickly - I have slowed down the wag, and this is the stage where I am at: 
I still think the head is moving a little too abruptly in one moment, so this is something I will work on, next week. Also next week I will look into side to side rotations on the dog's body. 


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